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Georgina Artists Connect

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Wayne Smile - Exhibition
OKAN - in concert
Georgina Creative Group

Sculpted Wisdom

There is, at the moment, a wonderful exhibition entitled Sculpted Wisdom at the KendraYoga Centre in Keswick: sculpture by Wayne Smile, and paintings by Kendra Shae-Marie Mullings.

Here are some photos from the opening:

Wayne Smile talks about his sculpture
Wayne Smile, Kendra Shae-Marie Mullings, Elizabeth MacLean

Click on this image to see a video introduction to the exhibition on Instagram:

Instagram video of the exhibition

Click on this image to see a slide show of Kendra Shae-Marie Mulling’s paintings.

Click on each image to see the video

Talking about his sculpture LIBERTY
Talking about his sculpture AROMA

Idara Udom gave a stunning rendition of ‘Mr. Jailer’ at the opening of the exhibition. In 2022 she was selected from hundreds of young artists from across Ontario, who auditioned for a chance to showcase their talents on a big stage at the CNE.


To download the catalogue of Wayne Smile’s sculptures from the exhibition, click on this image:

Wayne Smile – Sculptor

First you are intrigued by the form.

Then you ask yourself: is there a meaning here? Some hints suggest there is!

Wayne Smile leaves little signs to make you hunt for hidden messages. Open your mind and your heart, and you will find them. Your reading might not always be the message the artist had in mind, but that’s the beauty of these creations: they can be enjoyed and interpreted on many levels. They have the power to inspire and provoke. They teach valuable life lessons that we carry with us long after we have left the exhibition.

Exhibition brought to you by the Georgina Black Excellence Society and ARTAMICA.


Heart and soul: an evening of Afro-Cuban jazz

I wrote this article about the OKAN concert in Keswick in February.

Outside the Stephen Leacock Theatre the February weather chilled us to the bone. But inside, an Afro-Cuban jazz group OKAN was heating up the night! From the very first notes you could not sit still: you listen to the thrilling combination of jazz and Latino and your feet start moving!  As the evening progressed half of the audience had left their seats and were down on the dance floor swinging to the beat, while the rest jumped and clapped in their seats.  

Georginians are grateful that we don’t have to travel to the city to see a top-class performance – OKAN won a Juno Award in 2021. Runi Friday, a high school student, enthuses: “10 out of 10! It’s so great! So much fun!” Her friend, Elena Rinne, adds: “Although I don’t speak the language of the lyrics, I can feel the heart that is in all their songs!” This wise comment sums up what music can do to bring together people from different cultures.  

Jodi Pridham, Manager of Cultural Services for the Town says: “The OKAN group was invited to Georgina to help celebrating Black History Month. We already have one artist booked for the theatre for February 2024, and we look forward to exploring other opportunities to celebrate Black History Month at Stephen Leacock Theatre.” 

Ewa Chwojko-Srawley 

OKAN performing
Runi Friday and Elena Rinne
1-OKAN pic d
Even the audience danced!

Georgina Creative Group is getting together again after a long break!

Watch the video for more information.


Art Connects is an exciting new series of events that we are bringing to Georgina! You can read about the first event below.

June Scandiffio talks about the initiative in this video:



Art Connects! Steeve talked about flowers in music, and I showed images of flowers as depicted by famous artist throughout the ages. Did you know that ancient Egyptians were probably the first to depict flowers in art? These were lotus flowers, one of the first plants to come to existence, according to mythology. We might repeat this presentation at one point, so keep an eye on our website and social media for information.

Look at the pictures! Amazing creativity! Thank you, all the volunteers: Lisa Chianelli, Sabrina Chianelli, Jackie Diasio, Mary Green, Anna Jasniewska, Judi Kroes, Elizabeth MacLean, Michael Scandiffio, Oksana Stroganov, and Karen Watson.

Special thank you to Carolyn Grossi and Anthony DiGiovanni of Routes Georgina for their assistance in applying for the grant.

Ewa Chwojko

Click here for



Thank you all the artists who generously donated their work for the Fundraiser! You can Click here to  read all about it, and to see examples of the art that is being auctioned.